Saturday, August 06, 2005


I think I left my watch in the lecture theatre. Don't know how though, it's never fallen out of my pocket before. And now there are incriminating photos of me plastered all over the college network from the op-shop ball on Thursday night. I may put some up for public observation on my Flickr site, but they do involve me wearing a horrible yellow item of female clothing.
And then my party last night! A joint party with Sowmiya, a girl from Ridley, at the Big House - this great place on Sydney Road which we got for free. We went to The Spot afterwards and danced. And I drank my first shots! Woohoo! No turning back now.

Listening to Frail, by Jars of Clay.

And tonight my family shouted dinner. All together, very loudly. "DINNER!" Ah, bad jokes. It was nice. I need to learn French, though. Voulez-vouz couchez avec moi? Or however you spell it? [ahem, that wasn't an invitation people]
I must go and do less thinking. One day I will write more meaningful stuff on here. But every time I want to do that, it ends up sounding clichéd and tryhard.

My sister is awesome! As is my girlfriend! As are so many people I know. Man, I'm lucky to know so many awesome people. I guess whoever you are, you tend to attract friends who have something in common, so you're always going to think they're awesome. Meh. That doesn't change the fact! Don't touch me there! That's not what you were saying last period of time when things get all dark and stars come out and the sun hides on the other side of the planet and shops close! Like a moose! With knobs on! Indeed.


The Maneuver said...

Dammit, Kubrick, I was going to say that.

Moose, eh.

Richard said...

Listening to Dancing Queen, by Abba.

The Saxman said...

Oh, and my watch was in my pencil case.

Richard said...

And that *IS* a horrible yellow item of female clothing.

The Saxman said...

Well, it's only horrible when viewed on my slender young innocent body. Incidentally, why did you happen to mention you were listening to dancing Queen?

Richard said...