Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My new motto?

My life is quite different these days.

Instead of being driven by a self-chosen purpose, I'm besieged by possibilities. Instead of being sure about my values and my beliefs (although that may have been a LONG time ago) I'm constantly forced to re-examine my position on this and that.

I spent a long time on Facebook yesterday reading comments on a group forum (the group was 'One Body of Christ Experiment (all Christians on Facebook)') about various views on homosexuality and the differing Christian interpretations of the Bible on this. The same day, I spent ages reading the history of BP and how it was closely linked to the overthrow of the Iranian government with the help of the CIA. Wow, even the British played nasty for oil in the 50s!

Today, I had a class about policy in Education and we outlined the 8 issues we can choose for our scenario presentation. These are:
- Student Voice and Real Roles
- Family Change
- Racism
- Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Social Class
- Indigenous Education
- Post-compulsory pathways

I chose gender. Perhaps because of my teaching round in an all-girls' school last semester... as my lecturer said, some may argue that all the bridges have been burned and feminism has had its desired impact and gender is no longer an issue, but this is of course not true.

Also today, for a reflective piece I have to write for the same subject, I've been reading about social justice and somehow got onto Jainism and smegma (which you can look up yourself). Wikipedia, how ridiculously time-consuming, but how enlightening.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm doing a lot of thinking. Especially about my future and how I can salvage my life into something more worthwhile. Like, perhaps I should be doing more to help disadvantaged people? Or people with measles? Measles are awful.

Who wouldn't want to help a bemeasled person anyway!


Oh yes, the reason behind the title. I was thinking my new motto should be 'one thing at a time'. I'm always feeling overwhelmed by the number of things I want to achieve. But I'm probably being unrealistic. In any case, I think I'll be able to focus better by limiting myself to just getting one thing achieved.

I realise this sounds like a particularly 'guy' thing to need to do. lol@gender issue again...

the end.