Monday, December 21, 2009

What did we do before the internets?

My computer, my camera, my phone sit on my desk, bathed in wispy afternoon sun.

They sit huddled there in a little digital group, waiting for me to use their myriad features.

What did we do before these things?

How did we live?

*wrenches own heart out of chest and dives into a sea of acid*


Richard said...

Where did we go?

tendafoot said...

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


Shame on me. I clicked both links.

Richard said...

And loved it.

MaddyGrace said...

I don't know how I was entertained before the internet...

I seem to recall watching hours of television... but it's all just a vague memory now.

Cool blog.

Big love from Australia.