Tuesday, April 13, 2010


He wandered through cities
Through water and trees
Of verdant impression
Of sibilant breeze

The walk made him weary
The sun made him sit
He noticed the darkness
Nearby in a pit

"Elation has left me
So now I shall die."
And right then he gathered
To jump without cry

But something delayed him
Something unseen
He sat with a sigh
What else could it mean?

The journey not over,
He set off again
Exploring the mountains
In tumbling rain

The beaches, the meadows
The sun far above
Though never he knew it
What held him was love.

Well... it wasn't originally going to be quite that... simple. But it sits so perfectly!
That'll do for now. It's late. I might do an alternate ending later. Maybe with more blood. Heehee~
Title of this post? Separate from the poem. I think.


Toman Briar said...

Wow, that was really good!

I should remember to check this page. I forget, and just check facebook. Stupid facebook. Great poem. I read it in the style of Dr Seuss. Anyway, very touching.

The Saxman said...

Thanks Ryan. Dr Seuss eh? Hmm, I guess that works. I like my (rhyming) poems to have perfect or near-perfect meter. So it does end up sounding like Dr. Seuss.

But that's fine with me, because I think it sounds more pro that way. :)