Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Days of our wives.

Yesterday my housemates and I watched episodes of the following:
Star Trek: Voyager

I also did many other things.
I carried the spare TV into the shed. I swept and cleaned the shed, discovering a '4 hour parking' sign and some tools in the process. I set up my new printer and (after much gnashing of teeth) it now functions wirelessly. I spoke to some people on my mobile. Cleared some boxes out of my room. Printed and signed this year's contract for work at ERC. Finished the Sandman comic 'Brief Lives'. Made passable minestrone. Ate chocolate. Played a new piece of piano music to a visitor. Laughed.

It was a good holi-day. But ... I don't know. Somehow, I didn't relax totally. I feel like if I do, I'll lose control. I'll just be like one of those people who disappear into WOW and emerge a year later. Or maybe it's just how my brain works - always searching for something else, always looking out.
Either way, I remain uptight. Alert. Concerned. Bright...
And stuck.

The energy you push into one side,
Is the energy you take from the other side


Anonymous said...

"Finished the Sandman comic 'Brief Lives'"

Yay! <3

Toman Briar said...

"After much gnashing of teeth"

Yay! <3

(also, my word verification: thuddest)