Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Today i will write about nothing.

Do I have too much on? Every blog I write seems to be full with stuff, and there's always more to be written. I look at some other people's blogs and they can spend all this time talking about crap, and their feelings, and what happened years ago and how they have nothing to do. Whereas my life is one big blur. It just rolls along to the next thing, and the next thing. All this stuff which I have to do, or choose to do. It eats away at my life. Some people would say this is a good thing, that I keep myself occupied and I'm busy with all this fun stuff, and I'm enjoying life and I'll always have something to do with my time. But I think I need to learn how to relax. Not to be lazy. I do that all the time. I want to know how to slow down, care about people around me, give time to them and be a lot more laid-back. I admire people who are laid-back, for some reason they seem to float around not worrying about too much, and ready to jump into anything that comes their way. Every day people want to share in my life, and a lot of the time I don't feel like I can give them what they want because I have too much on. Or i THINK I have too much on. Aah, structure! Organisation! The words my life was born without.

Anyways, just wondering aloud.


The Maneuver said...

I here the words but nothing comes out.

Ok, bad joke.

The Saxman said...
