Friday, June 02, 2006

bright...early...must be morning

I'm off to work! Gonna be on time this morning, so don't hold me up! Don't stand in my way! I'm off to work, and it's a brand new day!

How cliché.


The Maneuver said...

Have fun at work (Yes, I know that was two days ago)

The Saxman said...

Yeah and you laughed at me, while sipping your damn coffee, which I provided! Freak! ;)

Richard said...

You provided it, but dammit we had to pay for it! :-P

The Saxman said...

Heh. Well, I'm sure orchestra has good and bad aspects like most ensembles. I'm guessing there are more egos in an orchestra, and everything's more formal? But at the same time you guys get to do some incredible repertoire. It sucks being a saxophonist for that reason.

Anyway, you've gotta do what you want, not what you think violinists are supposed to do. And don't worry about that too much yet, you don't have to specialise until 3rd year. ;) Oh wait, that's next year for you. Alright, worry then. oops...