Saturday, June 17, 2006

Left field is behind you!

Dear everyone, tonight I had alcohol! At Naughton's! But I'm in that stage where I feel like I should be drunk but I'm not. Guess I didn't really have that much. music people are so cooool... mostly except that guy who kissed me. On the cheek I should clarify. Well Stuart raped my leg but that's different, that's Stu.
Punctuation be damned! Today consisted of sorting stuff, ah who cares about today? Yesterday I had home-cooked pizza, and a very important and awesome meeting with someone whose birthday it was today (happy bday you!) and I had a relaxing train trip back to Melbourne, unlike some Vline trips I've been on.

OK I feel like saying "Chill!" And also "Pink Sycophant!" The Mars Volta rock. Centrelink suck(s). Shopping tomorrow with my sister. Must rise early, therefore bed early. Goodnight my pretty sobriquets. I don't know what that means, better look it up.... by the way lemmings don't really jump off cliffs, that's a widely perpetuated myth.


The Maneuver said...

Trackmarked amoeba lands craft

The Saxman said...

I know, but you have to admit it's very "what the?"

The Saxman said...

Fragments of sobriquets... a capillary hint of red

The Saxman said...

Aww. But then that makes more of them! Sexy amoebas hey? Mat should we be worried about you? You're not a hermaphodite i hope! ;)

The Maneuver said...

Amoeba are the life of the night. All one has to do is wobble into a room and everyone brightens up.

tendafoot said...

Now now, if Mat wants to be a hermaphrodite, then that's his decision and I support him completely.

The Saxman said...

Well it's nice that someone supports hermaphrodites in our society. I still think he should keep options open. Maybe he just hasn't found the right girl yet! Are there lady amoebas?

Richard said...

For you baby, I could be.

The Saxman said...

Not without surgery.