Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I have it! I've done the hard work ok! I want to spend it! But I don't have time to go shopping! grr

New shoes
Guitar (i don't need it but want is a strong factor)
XLR-XLR microphone cable so I can actually USE my new microphone
Metal mixing bowl so I can melt chocolate properly - i tried melting it in the bottom of the saucepan. BIG mistake
Camera, for overseas and general use
- hmm. Is it possible to get a camera which can take videos AND act as a webcam via USB or something? The technology is there. It's hard to imagine someone hasn't made this possible. Just would be annoying to have to buy those things all separately
Suit - although I think mum's going to pay for this

Oh! I did buy a VCR for $5 at a garage sale. (The video cassette tape has fallen on hard times - how times have changed!) It comes with a remote and a sticker which says 'works fine'. I don't know whether the sticker is telling the truth as my sister has it. It's so I can watch myself conducting in class - they tape us, you know.

Now playing: Mogwai - Oh! How the Dogs Stack Up
via FoxyTunes

I'm just glad I got some clothes shopping in (courtesy of my aunt's insistance that I buy this, and this, and this, and Geelong's amazing shopping district) before uni started. I would have been in serious trouble otherwise.

Now now kiddies! Money isn't everything.


Anonymous said...

This is sort of my whinging about having no money post I did awhile back, except it looks like you want to buy more practical things than me. I just want Lolita dresses and video games and a chef ;_;

Anonymous said...

Correction: This is sort of *LIKE* my whinging about having no money post... etc.

Nyarrrrgh I even make mistakes on a computer!