Sunday, May 15, 2005

A wisp of sound.

I've been experiencing interesting current events.

But, I'm not going to tell you what they are/were. Hey, now they're PAST events. Let's not get too far into causal theory.

So, voila! With a ´ somewhere.

OK fine. I.... found the manual for the Yamaha Clavinova in the chapel. There! That's something I achieved. Yesterday was an interesting day, but to read about what happened there, you should probably check out someone else's blog... maybe Snipergirl's or Araluena's.

now to some serious work-ij! Ha!


Richard said...

What is the signigicance of finding the manual for the Yamaha Clavinova in the chapel? Also, did you mean the Yamaha Clavinova is in the chapel and you found its manual, or was the manual for the Yamaha Clavinova found in the chapel?

The Saxman said...

Kubsey, eh?

Well, as my blog is more of an online ... ah.. "spurting of my thoughts", yeah that sounds good, well no it doesn't but anyway; it's mostly for me. I don't really write my blog like a newspaper article, keeping the layman in mind (ie. whoever isn't me). I do explain some things, and that's not to say that explaining stuff is a bad thing, but generally if it means something to me, I'll put it in. Even if no-one else is likely to understand it. That's just a bit of background. To answer your questions:

1. I've been wanting to find the manual to use the "digital studio" function the Clav advertises next to some of its buttons, to record more than one track at once. So I spent about an hour going through all the (church) music in the cupboard next to the Clav. Eventually found the manual in a filing thingy. Wasn't that riveting info.

2. Both.

Anonymous said...

This is honestly one of the most pointless blogs I have ever read in my entire blogging life.

The Saxman said...

Well, screw you. Nobody's making you waste your life trudging through crap on the internet. Go and visit Tibet.

Snipergirl said...

No! Go and visit Somalia!

The Saxman said...

Somalia? Why Somalia?

Snipergirl said...

It's HOT.